Saturday, March 20, 2010

Labor Day Plans

I don't know what you all have planned for your Labor Day, but this year we are taking the holiday quite literally. What? Are you in shock? Don't worry you will get over it, I finally did. Although this is a little unexpected, we are super excited and are eagerly awaiting baby #2 on September 4!


  1. Congratulations! I hope the pregnancy is going well for you.

  2. HOLY COW!!!!!!! That is so exciting!!!!!

  3. CONGRATS YOU GUYS! So happy for you! love and miss ya!

  4. Yeah for you! Congrats that is sooo exciting!

  5. Congrats! That is so exciting! If you need a break from Aiden just let me know!

  6. YAY!!!!! This is so exciting!!! Cute way to announce too :-) Are you sick? I hope not! I know I'm far away but if there is anything I can do to help, PLEASE let me know!!! Really, I could not be more excited about this for you! Love ya lots!!

  7. We are so excited! We must think alike :)!. We hope you are feeling good and enjoying it. We miss you guys and wish we could see you more often. Tell Aiden hi from Mia and she sure would like to play with him sometime soon!

  8. WHAT???? (no just kidding Mom told me) Congrats you two...three. And keep up the posting, I love hearing about you guys, I feel like you are so far away. Do you have any Lovell trips planned?

  9. Hey Congrats Kaydee! That is awesome. Now the little guy will have a partner in crime :)

  10. Wahoo! That is great news! Your second baby and my first baby will be about 6 months apart. Cool!
