Shelby Mae Emmett joined our family August 24, 2010 at 8:29 PM. She was 7 lbs 3 oz and 20 inches long. She is such a good baby and is a perfect addition to our family.
If you didn't get a call or a text blame it on Tyler, he was working the phones all night long. This labor was so different than with Aiden. I had a doctors appointment that afternoon and my doctor had told me to prepare to stay because he was a little concerned I would be dialated to a point that he wouldn't feel comfortable sending me home to Enterprise in fear that I wouldn't make it back to St. George in time to deliver. So prepare I did, all I did was drag my husband along with me and I was ready just in case. He sent me to the hospital because I was dialated 5cm and he wanted to induce me. Little did I know, I had been having contractions every three minutes all on my own. After being strapped to all the machines they informed me that I was in labor. Oh, I know what you are thinking..."she is so lucky, she didn't even feel the contractions." Well, I will have you know that it didn't last long. My doctor came and broke my water and on came the contractions, then of course the epidural. And from there on it was a piece of cake! I was so comfortable and I just sat back and waited for a few hours. A few pushes and we had us a perfect little girl.
Aiden loves his little sister and I hope that it stays that way. This has been my biggest worry since I found out I was pregnant. So far, so good. He loves to hold and kiss her and is so concerned if he cannot see her at all times. So all in all, life is good. I feel so blessed to have my own little family.
Note: If anything is a little unclear or doesn't make any sense.....I am a wee bit sleep deprived so please forgive and don't make fun of me!