Monday, November 1, 2010

Can I get a Woop- Woop?

A few things happened these last few days that have made me want to run around kissing everyone in sight! Our primary program is done which I had the misfortune of being in charge of. That is a huge relief. But even better than that....I have gas!!! Okay, so that sounds like something not good and actually rather gross and something I would not be kissing people about, but I am talking about the natural stuff that makes cooking possible. I really cannot be more excited. And those of you who have been keeping track, yes it has been 6 months without a stove! But do you know what.. I don't even care about the time, I am just so glad I can put my crock pot away. It may take several days, but I think with a little practice I may be able to whip up an actual meal that both Aiden and Tyler will eat. So keep you distance for the next day or so or you may get a few smooches! SWAK!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Where does the time go?

I can't believe it is already the middle of October! These past couple of months have passed by in a blur, but we have all survived quite well.This little sweet heart is starting to grow like a weed. She is beginning to smile and has such a sweet personality. She is such a good baby and I feel so lucky to have her! She is much more alert and wants to be entertained all the time, so it is a good thing I have this guy below.
Aiden has adjusted very well to being a big brother. He loves to kiss Shelby and loves being mommy's helper. He loves cleaning up. He will often make a mess just to clean it up. He is a little like me in that way. Not that I love cleaning up, but I hate messes. Whenever Aiden spills anything he can't function until it is cleaned up. I was expecting the worse when it came to adding a sibling to this kids world, but he hardly seems affected by it. In fact, I would say he has become much easier to have around. He is Mr. Independent!

This boy has developed a few passions. He loves "b-ball." This includes basketball and baseball. He also loves his books! That is all we do all day long. Play b-ball and read books. You will notice his 'b-ball jammies' in the picture above...he won't let me take them off! He screams when it is time to get out of them and he about comes apart when we have to wash them. He is such a sweet heart and keeps us laughing.

We blessed Shelby at the beginning of last month. I had a hard time finding a dress that was small enough but she still looked so sweet.

I love my little family and feel so blessed that we are all happy and healthy.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Shelby Mae Emmett

Shelby Mae Emmett joined our family August 24, 2010 at 8:29 PM. She was 7 lbs 3 oz and 20 inches long. She is such a good baby and is a perfect addition to our family.

If you didn't get a call or a text blame it on Tyler, he was working the phones all night long. This labor was so different than with Aiden. I had a doctors appointment that afternoon and my doctor had told me to prepare to stay because he was a little concerned I would be dialated to a point that he wouldn't feel comfortable sending me home to Enterprise in fear that I wouldn't make it back to St. George in time to deliver. So prepare I did, all I did was drag my husband along with me and I was ready just in case. He sent me to the hospital because I was dialated 5cm and he wanted to induce me. Little did I know, I had been having contractions every three minutes all on my own. After being strapped to all the machines they informed me that I was in labor. Oh, I know what you are thinking..."she is so lucky, she didn't even feel the contractions." Well, I will have you know that it didn't last long. My doctor came and broke my water and on came the contractions, then of course the epidural. And from there on it was a piece of cake! I was so comfortable and I just sat back and waited for a few hours. A few pushes and we had us a perfect little girl.

Aiden loves his little sister and I hope that it stays that way. This has been my biggest worry since I found out I was pregnant. So far, so good. He loves to hold and kiss her and is so concerned if he cannot see her at all times. So all in all, life is good. I feel so blessed to have my own little family.

Note: If anything is a little unclear or doesn't make any sense.....I am a wee bit sleep deprived so please forgive and don't make fun of me!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Kitchen!

Read this post backwards!

Before: This is the best I could find. This was a wall with a big china cabinet in it. We took out the wall and put in an archway, opening it to the dining room/living room.

There is a reason that I have been MIA for a few months. We have been very busy with a kitchen remodel. When I say we, I mostly mean Tyler. This reno began back in May and I can finally see the end. My brother redid the electrical-such a relief to have that done and feel like I have a safe house. Thanks Laramie, I owe you. My brother in law redid some of the plumbing. Thanks Roger! And my amazingly talented husband did the rest, all while still working 12-14 hour days, 6 days a week. Thanks Tyler for putting up with my nagging and for creating a perfect kitchen, you are the best! So it is not quite finished, I don't have a oven and a window is missing moulding and I want to cover the ugly pine by the door with beadboard, but I am finally ready to show it off. So with much blood sweat and tears (the tears being one of my only contributions) here is my beautiful kitchen. Please excuse the messy kitchen in the pictures, it is extremely clean in comparison to what it has looked like in the past. More pictures to come when painting, backsplash and everything else is finished!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Its a......

....Girl! I new it all along! I think I have a gift. There was no doubt in my mind that Aiden was going to be a boy. In fact, I had made his nursery bedding blue and brown when I was just a couple months pregnant because I was so sure. This pregnancy has been so different that I was certain it was a girl, although I was kind of hoping it would be a boy for Aiden. We really couldn't be happier with the news. I am so excited to start making girly stuff and go shopping for clothes (boys clothes are not exciting). Meanwhile Tyler is sweating it, thinking that he may have to take on another job to support me and my girl......Good thing I am the tight wad in the relationship!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Labor Day Plans

I don't know what you all have planned for your Labor Day, but this year we are taking the holiday quite literally. What? Are you in shock? Don't worry you will get over it, I finally did. Although this is a little unexpected, we are super excited and are eagerly awaiting baby #2 on September 4!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Birthday, Snow Canyon and LOVEly Food

I don't know what is wrong with me. I thought that once I was done with school I would be able to get so much done and I would blog regularly. I kept on telling myself that I had nothing to blog about but I realized I have missed so much. First of all Aiden's birthday was at the end of the year. I don't know why I never shared these pictures but it was definitely memorable. We spent it in Wyoming with the Emmetts. They have a tradition of getting your own cake on your first birthday. I wasn't sure how Aiden would react to this. I think the pictures speak for themselves.

This past weekend we went to Snow Canyon with my family. It was so nice. We have had so much snow lately and it has just been cold and muddy. It is so nice to drive 30 minutes and be able to take off your jacket and shoes and rub your feet in the sand.

I had this great plan for Valentines week. I was going to make festive meals each night. The first couple of nights it was fun, but then I started running out of ideas and some food takes a long time to try to shape into hearts. Needless to say, by the time it was Valentines Day, I had lost my excitement for the holiday and we just had regular food. Some of my creations: heart shaped scones, heart shaped pizza and spaghetti and heart shaped meatballs. I realize that some of you are really good cooks and are just laughing hysterically at my ideas and presentation of the meal, but I guess this is to make you all feel better about your own cooking. I was very impressed with myself.